Saturday 24 November 2012

Evolving love..........

Seems like it was just yesterday that we met,

At a new place with nervousness was the first moment we spent,

Upholding each-other since then we continued our journey,

And I found a wonderful friend in you honey!

Thick and fast our life kept moving without any buzz,

'Happily ever after' was the best phrase for us,

Every second I need someone, I find you standing with a smile next to me,

Ready to help, when ever, where ever I see,

Each second of your care was immeasurable to me,

Nevertheless you are the best,

I love you more than anything in this world,

Sometimes I don't express way my heart feels,

but you are the answer to how my wound heals,

Thank you for making all my dreams come true,

In this journey called life I want you to accompany me all through,

May god bless you with best possible blessings their could be,

Each second I have, I wish I can love you more and more from the core.

Monday 19 November 2012

Loneliness – Good or Bad????

It feels good to stay alone sometime,
Paint you feeling on canvas or just hymn,
But there are moments when you are in need of someone,
That someone to hear you, play with you and have fun,
Unable to decide if being along is good or bad,
Should one enjoy the time or just stay sad?
Getting answer to this question is tough,
And if someone is ready to answer, all you got to say is “Oh God! Please stop. Enough”
Just a poem to say everyone that I CARE,
And you are the best fit for my heart to PAIR.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Sweet advice with sour word..

Shit happens. But life goes on.
I was always told,
“All that glitters is not gold”.

Somehow I was always so sure, plus confident,
Joy, smile, laughter… For me that’s all what life meant.

I never thought it was a bad world,
Nor thought that promises were made, so that they can be broken or mold,

But life itself is collection of enormous lessons,
 And to cheat, some people don’t even need a reason.

For them whatever they say is the final thing,
 They think, they rule the world and they are the king.

But they don’t realize, if it’s us today,
Tomorrow might be their day.

Don’t mess with anyone’s feeling,
Because it’s not an easy process of healing.

You might think, you are clean from your side,
And start dancing in pride.

But that’s not the fact,
It’s just that they dint start to react.

And when they do……..
No one will be there to help you.